About me

I grew up with dial-up & IRC and was lucky enough to fall into creative coding circles around Flash and ActionScript, publishing some now-defunct experiments on liquify.eu. I got fascinated by the technical implementation of Minecraft and spent more time building a raytracer for it than playing, culminating in my thesis on Distributed ray tracing for rendering LIDAR geospatial data.

My first foray into work was building small games and other interactive experiences, and then evolved into working on a cool mobile/desktop Flash-like game engine called Loom, among other things. Then, I got to work on some great engineering challenges building Marble It Up!, a marble racing game for the Nintendo Switch.

In the last few years I've been learning how a Big Company and Big Systems work, how hard it is to make something simple, and how to write, maintain, and operate distributed systems. Continuing on the theme, I've also tried to put the minimalism into practice through projects like photofield, a self-hosted personal photo gallery in a single executable, and tinygpkg, a tiny local reverse geocoder.

- Miha Lunar